At Taurus Ventures, we want to
empower and inspire
entrepreneurs to think innovatively
and create impactful solutions
that improve people's lives.

We believe in fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and empathy, where human needs and experiences are at the forefront of every decision we make. Our goal is to build a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive difference in the world through ideas & innovations. We strive to provide the resources, support, and guidance necessary for our ventures to succeed and thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

Disruptive, Innovative
with Global Appeal.

At Taurus Ventures, we like to bring disruptive ideas to life.
Ideas that are simple yet big enough for the world to fall in love with.

Meet Our

Every Experience
is a Human Experience

Taurus is a human centered design & innovation consulting firm. A team of passionate designers, researchers, problem-solvers, entrepreneurs, engineers, social scientists, and more who understand people, collaborate to innovate & untangle complex problems & seek to constantly learn, modify & grow.


A Saudi game design & development studio producing native titles across different genres and types of games. Jahanamia is set to launch their first game, horror genre, in Q4 of 2023, that is set in one of the most majestic destination in Saudi Arabia.

See Me Before
My CV!

CMe is a two-way video based job platform that connects recruiters and job seekers quickly and effectively.

Human Interactions!

Mark: MetaEarth is a mixed reality social app that allows users to explore the world like never before. Using cutting-edge AR technology, see the world in a new light, leaving marks in the places you visit, creating lasting connections with people from around the world.

We Belong

Solana offers desirable lifestyle experiences created by combining the best of community living, services, and technology. It focuses on delivering enhanced living experiences, attracting like-minded people, and providing property management services for both landlords and residents.

Where Design
Meets Function

At our core, we believe in creating personal experiences and spaces that resonate with you. We understand that your home or workspace is an extension of your personality, a reflection of your values, and a sanctuary where you find comfort and inspiration.

Meet Our

What we do

Market research and analysis

Crucial for any start-up company, market research and analysis involves gathering and analyzing data about the market, competitors, and potential customers to identify opportunities and challenges. The insights we gain through surveys, focus groups, and interviews with target customers help start-ups make informed decisions about product development, pricing strategy, marketing campaigns, and overall business strategy.

Business modeling and strategy

Essential for any start-up looking to succeed in today's competitive market, business modeling and strategy involves identifying the target market and their needs, analyzing competitors, and developing a unique value proposition. Our team of experts works closely with founders to develop a comprehensive business plan outlining the company's goals, and the strategies for achieving them. We also identify potential partners as we develop the business’ foundation.

Product design and development

Product design and development involves the creation of products that meet customers’ needs and provide market value. Using creativity, technical expertise, and business acumen, we use market research, followed by ideation and concept development, and then prototyping and testing to ensure the product meets the desired specifications and functions. We work on its branding and packaging, differentiating it from competitors and creating a strong identity.

Branding and marketing

Branding and marketing are crucial for any start-up company as they help to establish the company's identity and its place in its industry, and help create awareness about its products or services, attracting customers. We create a unique visual identity that represents the company's values and mission, and promote the brand and its products or services through various channels, ensuring that its marketing strategy is aligned with its target audience.


Seed funding is a type of financing that provides capital to start-up companies in their early stages of development. Usually provided by angel investors, venture capitalists, or other private investors, it helps the start-up company get off the ground and cover initial expenses. Our seed funding allows start-ups to turn their ideas into viable businesses.

and coaching

Mentoring and coaching can be extremely valuable for a start-up. Mentors provide guidance and advice based on their own experiences, helping the start-up to avoid common pitfalls and make better decisions. We tailor our mentoring and coaching to meet the specific needs of the start-up, ensuring that we choose a mentor with relevant expertise, and with the enthusiasm to help the start-up accelerate its growth and achieve its goals.

Networking opportunities

Networking is essential for any start-up company looking to grow its business and establish itself as a credible player in its industry. Through networking, we help start-ups gain exposure and credibility in their respective industries; learn about the latest trends and best practices in their field; find new clients, partners, or business opportunities; and get feedback on their products or services from potential customers or investors.

Access to resources: office space or technology tools

Access to resources is crucial for the success and growth of any start-up. Various services can help start-ups access resources. These include co-working spaces and incubators or accelerator programs. By providing mentorship, networking opportunities, funding, physical workspaces and online platforms, we help start-ups overcome the challenges they face in their early stages of development.

Email us if you have a start-up
or an idea you’d like to build together.

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